- IP and ASI inputs
- RF (150-999 MHz) output
- QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM Constellations
- Non-linear digital pre-distortion
The ADV-8410 is a broadcast modulator designed for operations in full compliance with the DVB-T and DVB-T2 standards. It offers a cost effective, professional solution for generating high-quality RF signals suitable for broadcasting. The ADV-8410 includes non-linear Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) that can optimize the efficiency of the transmission.
It can operate in MFN environments, supports single-PLP, and can receive transmission signal through its ASI and IP ports.
The ADV-8410 is controllable through the WEB based interface or the front panel.
Feature Highlights
- Complies with EN300 744 and EN302 755 standards
- 2 ASI input ports
- 2 IP input (UDP)
- Built-in multiplexer
- 10MHz input / loop out, 1PPS input / loop out
- DVB-T or DVB-T2 RF output, 150~999Mhz, 1Hz step
- Support for single PLP
- Support for MISO and SISO
- Supports QPSK/16QAM/64QAM/256QAM
- High performance output: MER>43dB, shoulder level>56dB
- Output signal bandwidth: 5M, 6M, 7M, 8MHz
- Supports MFN mode
- Supports non-linear digital pre-distortion (DPD)
- RF output level: -15~+5 dBm, with 0.1db step
- Constant temperature crystal oscillator with 0.1ppm stability
Click on “ADV-8410 Datasheet” for technical specifications
Ordering Info
ADV-8410 – DVB-T/T2 Modulator